Defence institutions currently face a wide array of challenges in order to sustain multiple capabilities. Many nations have re-discovered the need for conventional warfare capacities to be sustained while developing other peacekeeping and counter-insurgency-focused roles. Defence also needs to be able to supply support to the civil power in emergencies including natural disasters.

Preparedness to perform all these roles remains a resource intensive process. The procurement of goods and services in order to meet targets established by government policy must be transparent. Defence sector personnel must also be accountable for their actions.

The military units comprising the whole defence sector need to have clearly segmented roles and responsibilities with a minimum of duplication. All military personnel also need to be accountable before the law, as well.


Hari Bucur-Marcu, Philipp Fluri, Todor Tagarev, Defence Management: An Introduction, (Sofia: Procon, 2009).

Valeri Ratchev, Civilianisation of the Defence Ministry: A Functional Approach to a Modern Defence Institutions, 2011.

Todor Tagarev (ed.), Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence, (Sofia: Procon, 2010)

Mark Pyman, Anne-Christine Wegener, Building Integrity and Reducing Corruption in Defence and Security: 20 Practical Reforms, (Transparency International DSP: 2011).

IASSRTF, Defence Sector Reform Policy (DPKO for UN IASSRTF, 2011).